Thursday, September 29, 2011

New League Feature for Manny Tracker

I've been getting feedback on Manny Tracker and have begun adding some new features and updates:
1) Added a new ".league" file format for saving multiple sets of data.
2) You can Load, Save, Create New leagues.
3) You will be able to parse and select which event in a multi-event TIO save file to import from.
4) I am current researching the best way to possibly seed multiple events in a TIO save file.
5) Figuring out best way to support deleting players and matches.

I've already finished #1 & 2.
Should be able to bang our #3, and need some time to figure out #4.
Trying to decide how best to implement #5

Keep the feedback and error reports coming and I'll get a new build release soon.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

New Joystick!!!

My new instrument of your destruction. Courtesy of MKP Customs.
Dual Modded, Seimitsu stick w/ custom spring and bat top, seimitsu buttons.

Friday, September 23, 2011

New Version Of Manny Tracker Released!

I've got the code changes done, added automatic sorting of matches based on date, and an Export CSV Match List feature implemented.
Let me know if you find any bugs and have any more suggestions!

Current Version Of Manny Tracker Beta

Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Version Of Manny Tracker Incoming

I've updated all the code to use unique GUID IDs instead of basing player and match IDs on their index in the list (yuk).
Of course old player and match data will be broken. But I'm working on adding a CSV export feature in the same format as the import feature that should allow you do transfer existing data to the new version.
I'm also going to automatically sort the match list based upon the date of the match, which should remove the requirement of importing TIO & CSV data in the correct order.
TIO does not specify the exact time a match takes place so it will still import the matches based on the date and in the order they were recorded. But this should still allow the rankings to reflect more accurate values.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Working on next updates to Manny Tracker

I've got a little feedback on the beta, and I'm working on a few changes and bug fixes.
Expect some additional updates soon.